How To Prepare for A Home Renovation

Investing in your current home can offer impressive payoffs, whether you choose to move in the future or make it a permanent safe place for you and your family. Sometimes investment means remodeling the old aspects of your home to experience a fresh chapter. An exciting prospect for your home may even be a complete remodel.

Lael Homes has guided its fair share of families through total-home renovations, and understands the various decisions that have to be made in order to avoid potential stressors caused by remodeling.

Once you have decided to remodel, there are a few things to process in order to make your home remodel a positive experience:

Decide whether to stay at home during the remodel.

Some families decide that being in their house as the renovations occur all around them is not desirable. Remodel projects can be noisy and dusty before cleanup, and not everyone wants to be around that. These families choose to stay with friends or relatives for all or part of their renovation experience.

However, leaving your home is not always necessary or practical. Some things to do if you decide to stay at home include making a plan for children and pets.

  • Consider breaking out some baby gates to keep pets or young children in construction-free zones.
  • Take down wall decorations in rooms adjacent to construction zones.
  • Be prepared for noise and dust; intense remodeling requires power tools and some messy projects.
  • Make sure everyone in the family knows the game-plan. Discuss construction plans with older children, too, so everyone feels prepared and at ease as your home gets a fresh new look.

Choose your big-ticket home renovation items.

Sticking to a budget is a vital goal to have as you begin your renovation journey. This means planning for the unexpected, but it also means being practical about your vision.

There are innumerable details to keep in mind when renovating, but you should pay particular attention to the big-ticket items on your wish list.

Sometimes prioritizing your desires is a necessary step as you budget for such an extensive project. Items like flooring, countertops, cabinets, kitchen appliances, and various bathroom amenities are big-ticket items that you should have in mind as you choose the features most important to your vision.

If you have to break the remodel down into a few phases, be clear on which phases make sense to start with from a financial and design standpoint.

Finally, know that we have got you covered.

We at Lael Homes are excited to take on big projects with you. We are prepared to face the challenges big and small and offer you every resource necessary for home renovation.

Projects such as these take expertise, and that is exactly what we offer.

If you’re planning an upcoming home remodel, we would love to talk with you and help craft your vision.
