How Kitchen Cabinet Remodels Make Life Simpler

Kitchen cabinet remodel work in Winston Salem

The kitchen is a major part of every home, from evening meals and entertaining friends to the way a family starts its day. The kitchen’s design and accessibility are therefore aspects of a remodel that make sense to begin with, since even seemingly simple upgrades to kitchen cabinetry can make a big difference.

Clever Cabinetry for More Storage Space

A great place to begin when thinking storage is to ask yourself where you tend to spend the most time in your kitchen — and if any of your common activities feel inconvenient or inefficient.

If you often find that the utensil for the job is always out of reach while cutting veggies or cooking, designing cabinets that offer intuitive access may be the best place to start.

Other times the challenge may be more with serving and entertaining guests. Perhaps your current cabinetry makes it difficult to store large serving platters, or it’s tricky to store enough wine glasses for large gatherings.

These are common challenges people experience with their kitchen spaces, and certainly an area where a kitchen remodel project can make things simpler.

Kitchen islands double as convenient cabinets, especially for commonly used items that it makes sense to be able to access while coming and going from any part of the kitchen.

Here are some other clever ideas to maximize space stylishly:

  • Installing pull-out drawers under the sink to full utilize vertical space and make it easy to sort cleaners, sponges, and garbage bags.
  • Using a wooden storage space near a stove to double as counter space while also storing the kitchen’s garbage can in a tilt-open fashion. This keeps the garbage out of view when it’s not needed and alleviates the need for finding floor space dedicated only to the trash can.
  • Custom cabinetry surrounding the fridge (top and sides) so that the fridge blends seamlessly with the rest of the decor and storage opportunities aren’t lost to the fridge needing a place to be.
  • Counter top nooks for coffee machines and mixing bowls. The nook door can be easily opened when needed to blend coffee or use the mixer, but gives them a nice place to be out of sight the rest of the time without cluttering the counters. You can position the nook right near where they’ll be used so they can come in and out without any fuss.

Remodeling Your Kitchen Cabinets Can Save Time – Every Day

Have you ever noticed how often you retrace your steps grabbing different things while prepping meals?

Maybe you’ve had to arrange things a certain way because of the shapes and layout of your current kitchen cabinets, but that ends up meaning a lot of back and forth.

Additions like flip-out shelves can redefine how certain parts of your kitchen function, allowing you to retrieve or replace utensils, bowls, and more even at a fast pace.

This is worth bearing in mind for any kitchen remodel project. The visual upgrades are a big selling point, of course, but it can also mean real improvements to how you live your life.
